Community Support
Hinton Ecumenical Prayer Shawl Ministry - Shawls are handmade gifts created with prayer. They are intended to be a reminder of God's ever present love. They are given to anyone who is in need of prayer
Share Shop - Used items and clothing are donated and resold. Proceeds go to various local churches.
NeighbourLink - This organization helps people express their love of God by helping them respond to the needs of their neighbours through a network of churches and service agencies.
Hinton Search Youth Retreat - Search for Christian Maturity is an opportunity for young people to journey with their friends and peers on the path that Jesus has shown us. This is done through the use of speakers, discussions, games, prayers, celebrations, lively music, and the gifts and talents that God has given all individuals. The Search invites youth 15 years and older, to explore and to examine their faith among friends and peers in an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust.
Share Shop - Used items and clothing are donated and resold. Proceeds go to various local churches.
NeighbourLink - This organization helps people express their love of God by helping them respond to the needs of their neighbours through a network of churches and service agencies.
Hinton Search Youth Retreat - Search for Christian Maturity is an opportunity for young people to journey with their friends and peers on the path that Jesus has shown us. This is done through the use of speakers, discussions, games, prayers, celebrations, lively music, and the gifts and talents that God has given all individuals. The Search invites youth 15 years and older, to explore and to examine their faith among friends and peers in an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust.
For information on any of these organizations please call the parish office: (780) 865-3045
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